Luka Matak –
The Fraudster and Cheat Exposed
If you are reading this, then no doubt you have been unfortunate enough to have encountered the fraudsters Luka Matak and Adriana Matak (Kupresak)
Be in no doubt that Luka and Adriana Matak are not what they pretend to be. They have not made their money from investing in Hedge Funds, their money has come about from lying, cheating and stealing from others.
A web of deceit
Be warned, they have no regard for their victims, whom they have created extreme financial hardship, emotional strain, wasted time, damaged trust and broken relationships. They do not care about the harm they cause to others. Their only motivation is pure greed and a desperate need to display a fake rich lifestyle that they cannot afford through honest means.
Do not ever give Luka and Adriana Matak a single cent. They will spend your hard earned money on their fake rich lifestyle that they have lied and cheated their way to. They live a complete scam lifestyle.
Fictitious Allure: The Enigmatic Charade of Adriana Matak
Don’t be fooled by Adriana Matak either. She is very much aware and involved in the scamming and deceit process of Luka Matak’s fraud. Just like her husband, she has the ability to lie and manipulate in any situation in an instant.
Do not be fooled by her Food, Travel, and Fashion blog. This is all part of the scam and to make themselves appear like a legitimate couple. This blog has been funded by stealing others money and attempts to give off an appearance of someone who is successful.
Fabricated Fortunes
Their world is increasingly becoming a smaller place with nowhere to hide. Time is running out for these fraudsters. Join us to bring justice and put and end to their crimes.